This is actually a fairly accurate depiction of what I think my emotional terminal looks like. Of course, the Export pile is much much larger, but for the sake of time, I pared it down a bit.
It was supposed to be Wednesday, but because of some mix-up or something the apartment won't be ready until Friday =( At least I got the week off work =p
Sunday, July 26
If I knew where to go I probably would just hop on.
Saturday, July 25
I have this really pretty dream catcher over my bed... if it actually works it's clogged with some pretty bizarre stuff...
When I was younger and had a song stuck in my head (I often do) I would "doodle" the song to help me get it out of my head. It typically works, and I normally really enjoy the outcome, so I decided to give it a go again. =)
Thursday, July 9
My randomness is apparently fairies and flowers =p
Alright you lucky ducks, you get two doodles today. At the request of a very special friend of mine, I have decided to depict exactly what a silly goose looks like. Enjoy =)
Now if only I had a way to listen to this song that's stuck in my head... alas.
Tuesday, July 7
Think about it... Pretty colors, fire, people ride them. Totally the same thing.
Monday, July 6
Squirrels can be extremely rude.
Sunday, July 5
I really like fish... However, I'm too self-aware to keep one as a pet because I know that I am a murderer. =(
Friday, July 3
I wish there was some kind of magic fortune telling power in the stars. Diffusion of responsibility would be great.
My community is hosting a blood drive and a little mini-contest to see which building can convince the most people to donate. It kind of makes me sad because they won't take my blood. It's no good. But that just means more for me, right?
I suppose it must've rained today. I say that, because, although I never saw dark clouds or rain or heard anything to indicate there was a storm, there were puddles every where on the drive home.
One must deduce at that point that it did in fact rain and it just wasn't witnessed.
I drive past this little lake almost every day and there's this bridge you can see from the road, but it doesn't appear to actually go over the water, and I can't see a path anywhere near it... one day I will go exploring.